If you have managed to remove the spaces then please attach your modified docx file to this post so that I can review it, or see if the image opens on my computer with the same problem.
Also, I'm having the same issue on Word 2007 on Mac as well. Unfortunately, Microsoft has omitted to add support for this option to the VBA object model. When I move the cursor around it sits between the boxes in the white space. In the Word interface, you can apply 'No space between paragraphs of the same style' to the selected range. You can see that the boxes are flush with each other along the top and bottom, but space exists on the left-hand side only. The eight white dots and outline along the edge of a selected image show that the space is outside the image itself, again showing that there is no white border in the image itself. Also, in the properties for each image 'Line Color = No Line', 'Shadow = No Shadow', 'Left Indentation = 0', 'Right Indentation = 0', 'Spacing Before = 0', 'Spacing After = 0', 'Don't add space between paragraphs of the same style = checked', 'Alignment = Left'.

The images were pasted into a new document, so cell margins no longer apply. You can make changes to alignment, indent paragraphs, or adjust line spacing.

Paragraph formatting Paragraph formatting changes the position and appearance of paragraphs of text. After downloading the next Vord document from the Internet, or when writing text yourself, you may find that the spaces between the words are fairly wide. There is also a No Spacing paragraph style in the Quick Styles Gallery on the Home tab that you can apply to a given paragraph or selected paragraphs. I inserted four images of colored squares that I create in Paint using solid rectangles to ensure there is no border around the image itself. Arranging the workspace Print Layout view is the best view to use when you format a document. The Line and Paragraph Spacing dropdown in the Paragraph group on the Home tab allows you to select Single (1.0) spacing and remove the Spacing After for a given paragraph (and subsequent ones). OK, I've attached another sample document.

You can change the default line spacing by following the steps below. It also automatically adds 8 points of space after each paragraph (after a hard return). Upon installation, Microsoft Word uses 1.08 line spacing by default.