How to insert clip art in word 2010
How to insert clip art in word 2010

how to insert clip art in word 2010

Although you can still download and manage a locally stored clip art collection, there is a decreasing need for clip art to be stored locally.


Find out how to insert Clip Art in your Word documents. With Microsoft Word, you can easily create these types of labels and print them for a professional look. Adding clip art related to your business makes it more attractive and can be used to advertise your products or services. However, the user interface is updated to make it easier to search for and insert online clip art. If you want to take advantage of a huge resource of images that are instantly at your command - then Clip Art is for you. A return address label helps any letters or packages that you send out go back to you if the recipient cannot be found. The Insert Clip Art task pane and Clip Organizer functionality remains generally unchanged in Office 2010.

how to insert clip art in word 2010 how to insert clip art in word 2010

Insert Clip Art task pane and Clip Organizer Whether you're new to Microsoft's popular word processing application or a seasoned professional merely looking to pick up a few new tips and tricks, you're sure to benefit from this video tutorial. Click on your image with the left mouse button. Fpr Office 2010, you can download clip art from and create a personal local clip art collection, but due to copyright laws and other corporate policies regarding the use of clip art, there are limitations to what you can download and store. In this quick clip, you'll learn how to insert screen clips when using MS Word 2010. If your clip art is too big or too small you can resize to suit your needs.

How to insert clip art in word 2010